Friday, June 8, 2012

The T-Mobile Lie

Okay, to set the record straight, I might have a little negative bias towards T-mobile after years of poor service, reception, and customer service. However, if I'm a customer, I'm entitled to that opinion through my experience with T-Mobile.

T-Mobile has awesome advertisements, and really cool approaches to connecting with consumers. They do a great job of getting you interested in the company and its offerings. Then, once they've got you, they start to show their ugly side. No reception, anywhere, dropped calls like crazy, nearly inept customer service, and hidden charges and fees that stack up quite a bit on your monthly bill. To be fair, they do offer great phones, but that's about it.

Take last year's awesome Angry Birds ad they did in Barcelona:

How cool is that? It is an awesome idea, and it played on the success of an app. If they played off of how well their service is, or how "great" their customer service is, the ad would have flopped. So, they use these great ads and great social presence to gain customers. Then, once they have them, they can keep them with their ridiculous contracts that hold tighter than handcuffs. I can't wait to leave T-Mobile. AT&T offers so much more, and here's the kicker: They actually do what they say they will. I mean come on, how can T-Mobile keep up with AT&T? The only way they can is to use these visually enticing ads to get customers to unknowingly sign up for two years of annoyance.

Their new campaign puts them up against AT&T with the "Test Drive" campaign where people will test their 4G speed versus the speed of AT&T's. Good luck T-Mobile, you might have just signed yourself up in a competition that you will lose.

Here's the new ad:

T-Mobile has become one of those companies who honestly believes they are great. Just ask a T-Mobile customer how happy they are, the response will most likely sound something like this blog. Any person I've asked, in preparation for this piece, about their satisfaction has echoed my own feelings. That's what drove me to write this. T-Mobile, to be frank, you're terrible.

Here's how one YouTuber felt about their test drive section on their site:

You're not fooling me T-Mobile, I'm on to you.

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