Friday, February 17, 2012

SIngles Will Some Day Rule the World

I recently read an article by Eric Klinenberg entitled "The Solo Economy," in which he describes the growing trend towards single lifestyle in America. The article included some interesting statistics regarding this growing trend. To save you from a blog filled with statistics, I'll merely describe how this trend will soon be affecting any member of the Public Relations, Marketing and Advertising communities. I know I said I'd spare you from statistics, but one is imperative to understanding the magnitude of this trend. The singles in America represent $1.9 trillion in spending power. They also have a much more significant amount of disposable income. This is intriguing because it represents a change in values and societal norms.  It is interesting to me because I believe my generation represents the real "boom" in this trend. We watched our parents fail in marriage, as we watched the nuclear family get struck by a nuclear bomb. Therefore, we, Gen Y, represent the fruits of our parents failed labor. Which will, as time should tell have a drastic effect on how we use and evaluate info-graphics.

Infographics can be easily defined as the visual representations of information, data or knowledge. This boom in singles or singletons will have a drastic effect on how we use this tool. As a professional in the above stated fields, this tool is essential if not necessary. How can we expect to reach, inform or communicate with an audience if we are unaware of their true needs, wants and lifestyles? Truth is, we can't. In my opinion, infographics represents the future, as does the growth of singletons, in America.  Without this tool, we are without an ideal set of information. For any client represented by a PR, Marketing or Advertising professional infographics is a way to "get to know" your clients potential audience/customers. For any organization looking to diversify audience or customer base, infographics helps to understand the needs and wants of your audience/potential audience. For PR, it represents understanding. Understanding the expectations of your audience is essential to reaching them.

As the study of infographics grows and becomes a huge part of business(as if it already isn't), we will see its ability to help organizations tap into otherwise "untappable" sections of their potential markets. Just like demographics changed the game, so too will singletons and infographics. So, in the wise words of John F. Kennedy, "For time and the world do not stand still. Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future."  You heard him, so change and adapt yourself to adhere to the needs of your business. Until then, those willing to do what you cannot might end up with your dream job.